So hello And welcome back guys, in today’s post i will show you free fire hack, how winzo gold hack free fire diamonds and how to earn free diamonds in free fire from winzo gold app, and free fire diamond hack app.
What is winzo gold ?
Winzo gold is a Gaming Mobile Application where you can earn free fire diamonds by playing some simple games where free fire is available.
But in this app we does’t use this methods. Becasue now i am come with winzo gold free fire diamonds hack and free fire diamond hack 99,999
Winzo free fire diamond app, where you can
get free fire diamond hack 99999 and in this app you can earn free fire
diamonds even you can get free diamond on free fire without wasting of money.
Before we go ahead if you don’t have winzo gold free fire apk then download now and read ahead.
After download this app Open It And signup On it by following steps.
- Open App and select your language.
- After this put your Mobile No. And OTP sent on that number.
- Put this refer code on refer code section.
- Now click on facebbok login and click on continue after filling Facebook Id.
After signup You Will get rs10 on your winzo wallet.
Now The tricks of winzo gold free fire diamonds hack starts from here. Because after this i will teach you how to make this 10 rupees to 99999 free fire diamonds.
For Free 9999 diamonds in free fire from winzo gold app. You Need several mobile no., and if you don’t have than don’t worry make an Telegram Chaneel Or Facebbok Page, etc. And after make it you need to grow it but IF You have mobile Number than it works just in few minutes and after use it you can get free 9999 diamonds from winzo gold app.
Now it for that who have several Mobile Numbers.
Download Now
- They only to do is just makes clone of winzo gold app.
- Open and open clone app which you make.
- Put you second mobile numbe whixh ou don’t use before in winzo gold.
- Enter your real id refer code and do signup.
After this just check your old account their you will free money. Which you can use in purchasing 9999 diamonds in free fire.
And if you don’t know how to get free diamonds in free fire from winzo gold hack than read to the last. You will get all of your solutions.
These steps are for those who don’t know how to hack wino gold free fire diamonds.
If you hack winzo gold app and hack free fire dioamonds with illegal method than i know your id will be get permanently banned, even your device can be banned. So i suggest this legal method for winzo gold hack and free fire diamonds hack.
For this method you need a facebook account. And all the thinks which i got to see you that all are done by facebbok account, so you need a facebook acoount.
If you don’t have facebook account than create it and follow these steps, and if have then follow these steps.
- Open faceebok and go to search.
- Type Free Fire Free Diamond and click on search.
- After this join some groups and pages.
- Now open winzo gold app and copy your referral link and referral code also.
- Open facebook app again and go to those grops, pages which you have joined.
- Go to post section and paste you referral link and refer code with a clickable photo.
Now after these steps your all works is done, when anybody download winzo gold app with your link then you will get Free Rupees on winzo gold app, and free diamonds in free fire. So lets do some calculations for how many diamonds can we earn, and how rupees can we earn from winzo gold app.
If 1000 peoples see your post and out of them 100 peoples download the app. Then you will get 2500 rupees and 4000 around diamonds. And if more peoples download then you can get more free fire diamonds and winzo gold rupess.
If you want the another way to hack free fire diamonds and winzo gold app hack. Then You can also use aTelegram channel for extra diamonds.
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